Boo Boo’s Nite Club
Status: Closed
Parish: Lafayette
Location: Lafayette
Matchbook photo courtesy of Judith Meriwether
Front bar photo courtesy of Margie Boulet reader comment Jane: “I remember how sad we were when Boo Boo’s burned down – we used to love to go dance to Beau Soleil there, among others, and every Sunday night there was a band. We used to dance to Marcia Ball and the Misery Brothers.
By the way, we used to dance differently then. I never danced the way they do now with all the steps of the feet. I don’t know if we all danced a different version which wasn’t really Cajun, but since I grew up in Lafayette and learned to dance there, and everyone then danced like I did, then it wasn’t a real Cajun dance step we were all dancing. It sure was fun no matter which way you are dancing.”
Coteau & Beasoliel played there- possibly old Midway Club?
Photo Credit: Judith Meriwether, Photo from the Johnnie Allan Collection at the Center for Louisiana Studies, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Courtesy of Margie Boulet
june andrus
BOO BOO’S Also Had A Record Store/Recording Studio on Moss St. Very Nice Man