Slim’s Yi-Ki-Ki
Status: Closed
Parish: St. Landry
Location: Opelousas
8471 Hwy. 182, Opelousas
Owner Anthony Gradney- sporadic live zydeco on weekends
Included in Emily Ardoin’s 2014 thesis “Fais do-do to ‘Hippy Ti-Yo’: Dance Halls of South Louisiana”: “Slim’s Y-Ki-Ki is a zydeco club located on the edge of Opelousas. It was opened in 1947 and remains active currently. The building is of frame, brick front facade construction, has a front gabled roof, a mansard parapet, and has an unknown foundation. The dance floor is constructed of wood strips and the ceiling is comprised of plywood panels and acoustic tile. The bar is located in the same room as the dancefloor. The building is in good condition and has been maintained. The integrity is uncertain. Building was expanded four times early on to create a dance hall space. Appears the siding (not primary fac_ade) has been changed since 1984. A side entrance with ramp has been added. Interior alterations unknown. Originally Swamp Pop, moved to Zydeco when SP craze died down. Have added on 3 times since the beginning.”
Featured in Opelousas phonebook 1960 p.68;