Unknown Dancehall

Dancehall on east side of 6th Street (then 89 6th Street) between Mulberry and Hackberry Ave.- across from E. Tate & Co. Rice Huller & Corn Mill- info from Oct 1919 Mamou Sanborn Insurance Map- gone by 1927 map ...

Evangeline Bar

Photo courtesy of Richard DesHotels Yo Fruge, owner ...


Jeff Davis Playboys played there- Magazine pic of people dancing- Young folks & bring small kids ...

Papa Paul’s Club

Zydeco club- on 13- corner of Ponciana and 2nd Street: Included in Emily Ardoin’s 2014 thesis “Fais do-do to ‘Hippy Ti-Yo’: Dance Halls of South Louisiana”: Papa Paul’s was a zydeco dancehall in Mamou that opened in the 1950s and closed in the 1990s.It is currently vacant and serves as storage. The construction is frame, the roof is the stepped gable, metal variety, the parapet stepped, and the foundation is comprised of concrete piers. The dancefloor is made of wood strips. The exterior is mostly unaltered, but the stage and bar have removed inside.” ...

Manuel’s Bar

T-Ed Manuel opened- Eugene Manuel runs now- old bar inside, KBON Priscilla Alleman-Friday night place ...

George Pierrsonne’s Dance Hall

Mentioned in “Louisiana Fiddlers” by Ron Yule and Bill Burge: Tonice LeFleur played there in J.B. and the Merrymakers in the 1930s ...