La Bon Ton Roule

Status: Closed

Parish: Lafayette

Location: Lafayette

Exterior photo posted in the FaceBook group Lafayette Memories by Kenny Gallagher

1102 North University Avenue, Lafayette – White night might have started there- it is listed in the 1977 Polk Directory

Listed in “Readers recall clubs where they danced to Louisiana Music” from The Daily Advertiser, December 29, 1998: “Readers of The Daily Advertiser were asked to submit names of’ the clubs where they danced to Louisiana music in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, with a brief recollection of what the club was like and who played there.”

Don Gassie: “I remember the Bon Ton as a white club (owner a Trahan?). At mandatory closing time (2AM, I think) the bouncers would push the people toward the door by holding a slap jack against the back of their necks. I remember one night there when a large and tall cajun named Gene got into an argument with a short but muscular hispanic guy. The short guy approached aggressively and claimed to be a pachuco. Gene stuffed him into the trunk of a car and the driver supposedly took him to hiway 90 outside of town and dumped him there.”

Ben Sandmel- “It was on Washington Street here in Lafayette. Now it is a pool hall.”

“Owner was Leodias Trahan”



Photo Credit: John Sharp


  1. I can remember when I was in college in the late 70’s, early 80’s, we went to Bon Ton on Wednesday nights which was “white night.” Red Beans and Rice was the band I most remember playing there. There were also holes in the floor, so you had to be careful dancing so you wouldn’t fall through the floor. It was where I learned to dance to Cajun music.

    • I used to go there every Wednesday night back in 1976-77, loved the Beans, man they could rock out! I remember Tommy Shreve’s red guitar, and Mike Hanasi’s (sp?) compelling hard core vocals the most. I remember shag dancing nonstop, except to go outside for those altitude adjustments between sets. Good times, indeed, and I always felt like it was a kind of a home away from home. I will always remember the Bon Ton and everyone in that scene with love. The owners and all were just so kind and generous to us idiot college dropout kids with stars in our eyes and a hunger for the rock n roll blues. In the shade of the freeway…

  2. Trahan owner was Leodias Trahan. He also owned the Antique Casino in Carencro.

  3. There was a creole woman who also own the Bon Ton Roulet. So why is that not listed as well? The family owned it until it burned down.

  4. We used to go dance to the zydeco, Rockin Doopsie and the Twisters and the other bands, in Carencro. Loved the cajun country.

  5. The Club Was Next To Fill Up/Bill Up Station, That Is When University Was Only 2 Lanes

  6. the bon remp I asked about was on N. University and had a motel.on the same lot. i can’t remember tee name of th motel

  7. Magic Wednesday nights. Great group, loved the base guitarist Stevie LaCroiux. 1977-78.


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